History and Organizational Chart

  1. About the Company
  2. History and Organizational Chart


  • Foundation of the company
    • Founded the Toewon corporation
    • Registered public surveying business (National Geographic Information Institute)
    • Registered digital mapping business (National Geographic Information Institute)
    • Registered underground facility surveying business (National Geographic Information Institute)
    • Registered software business (Korea Software Industry Association, KOSA)
    • Signed an industry-academic consortium
  • Change of company name
    • Changed company name to GITT Inc
    • Established company-affiliated research center (Korea Industrial Technology Association, KOITA)
    • Registered land surveyor (National Geographic Information Institute)
    • Registered software business (Korea Software Industry Association, KOSA)
  • GIS specialization company
    • Registered land surveyor
    • Registered web GIS engine program
    • Registered G-WORLD SDK program
    • Registered G-WORLD 3D program
    • Registered G-WORLD 2D program
    • Established of the Central Branch
    • Received certification as an innovative management SME
    • Received certification as an innovative tecnology SME
    • Registered Image processing business
    • Registered construction technology service business(design, project management/survey)
    • Registered web-based integrated management system for spatial information
    • Registered automation tool program
    • Registered GIS server engine
    • Received certification as an OGC and GS(grade 1)
    • Received certification as an ISO 9001: 2015 'Development of spatial information management system and establishment of spatial information database'
    • Registered ultra-light aircraft use business
    • Registered Overseas Construction Business (Construction Engineering)
    • Selected as a participating company for the work-study parallel system

Organizational Chart


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